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Trondheim Science Centre, Norway - everything you need to know

Trondheim Science Centre: A Fascinating Exploration of Science and Technology in Trøndelag, Norway

About the Museum

The Trondheim Science Centre, located in Trøndelag, Norway, is a captivating destination for science enthusiasts of all ages. The museum offers a diverse range of interactive exhibits and engaging activities that aim to inspire curiosity and exploration in the fields of science and technology. With a focus on hands-on learning, the museum provides visitors with an immersive experience that encourages a deeper understanding of scientific principles and their real-world applications.


Visitors can purchase tickets to the Trondheim Science Centre either at the museum's entrance or through their official website. The museum offers various ticket options, including individual and family passes, as well as discounted rates for students and seniors. Additionally, the museum occasionally hosts special promotions and events that may include discounted admission prices.

Opening Hours

The Trondheim Science Centre is open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday, with varying hours of operation. Visitors are encouraged to check the museum's official website for the most up-to-date information on opening hours, as they may be subject to change during holidays or special events.

Current Exhibitions

The museum features a diverse array of current exhibitions that cover a wide range of scientific topics, from astronomy and physics to biology and environmental science. Visitors can explore interactive displays, hands-on experiments, and multimedia presentations that offer a comprehensive look at the latest advancements in scientific research and technology.

Upcoming Exhibitions

The Trondheim Science Centre regularly updates its exhibition offerings to provide visitors with fresh and engaging content. Future exhibitions may include thematic displays on emerging scientific trends, innovative technologies, and thought-provoking explorations of the natural world. Visitors can stay informed about upcoming exhibitions by checking the museum's official website or subscribing to their newsletter.

Museum Map

Upon arrival at the Trondheim Science Centre, visitors can obtain a detailed museum map that highlights the various exhibition areas, interactive stations, and amenities available on-site. The map serves as a helpful guide for navigating the museum's diverse offerings and ensuring that visitors can make the most of their experience.


In addition to its permanent exhibitions, the Trondheim Science Centre hosts a range of special events, workshops, and educational programs throughout the year. These events may include guest lectures by prominent scientists, hands-on workshops for children and families, and themed events that celebrate scientific milestones or discoveries.


The museum offers membership programs that provide exclusive benefits to frequent visitors and supporters of science education. Members may enjoy perks such as unlimited access to exhibitions, priority registration for events and workshops, and discounts on museum merchandise and educational programs. Becoming a member of the Trondheim Science Centre is a great way to show support for the museum's mission and gain access to valuable resources for continued learning.

Virtual Tour

For those unable to visit the museum in person, the Trondheim Science Centre offers a virtual tour experience that allows online visitors to explore select exhibitions and interactive displays from the comfort of their own homes. The virtual tour provides an immersive, 360-degree view of the museum's interior, accompanied by informative descriptions and multimedia content that replicate the in-person experience as closely as possible.

In conclusion, the Trondheim Science Centre in Trøndelag, Norway, stands as a beacon of scientific exploration and discovery, offering a wealth of educational opportunities for visitors of all backgrounds. Whether through its interactive exhibits, special events, or virtual resources, the museum continues to inspire a passion for science and technology in its community and beyond.

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