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Steinviksholm, Norway - everything you need to know

Steinviksholm Museum: A Cultural Gem in Trøndelag, Norway

About the Museum

Steinviksholm Museum is a historical gem nestled in the picturesque region of Trøndelag, Norway. The museum is housed in the medieval Steinvikholm Castle, which dates back to the 16th century and offers visitors a fascinating glimpse into Norway's rich cultural heritage.


Visitors can purchase tickets at the museum's entrance or conveniently book them online through the museum's official website. Various ticket options are available, including discounts for students, seniors, and families, making it accessible to a wide range of visitors.

Opening Hours

The museum is open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday, with varying opening hours depending on the season. Visitors are advised to check the museum's official website for the most up-to-date information on opening hours before planning their visit.

Current Exhibitions

Steinviksholm Museum boasts a diverse range of exhibitions that showcase the region's history, art, and cultural heritage. From interactive displays to carefully curated collections, there is something to captivate every visitor's interest.

Upcoming Exhibitions

Stay tuned for upcoming exhibitions at Steinviksholm Museum, as the museum frequently introduces new and exciting displays that delve into different aspects of Trøndelag's rich history and contemporary culture.

Museum Map

Upon arrival, visitors can obtain a museum map to navigate the castle's various exhibitions, historical rooms, and outdoor areas. The map provides a helpful guide for exploring the museum's extensive collection and architectural wonders.


Throughout the year, Steinviksholm Museum hosts a range of events, including cultural festivals, workshops, and educational programs. These events offer visitors the opportunity to engage with the museum's exhibits and immerse themselves in the region's vibrant cultural scene.


For avid museum enthusiasts and local supporters of cultural preservation, becoming a museum member offers exclusive benefits, such as free admission, special events, and behind-the-scenes access to the museum's collections.

Virtual Tour

For those unable to visit in person, the museum offers a captivating virtual tour, allowing individuals to explore the castle's interior, exhibitions, and surrounding grounds from the comfort of their own homes.

Steinviksholm Museum stands as a testament to Trøndelag's rich history and cultural significance, inviting visitors to embark on a captivating journey through time within its ancient walls. Whether exploring the museum's exhibitions, attending events, or becoming a member, there are endless opportunities to connect with Norway's cultural heritage at this remarkable institution.

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